
Rethinking Joel Osteen

Some of you may have noticed that I have removed my previous post regarding Joel Osteen. After careful consideration and much prayerful contemplation I am no longer convinced that such perspectives have a place in my ministry. While I still have serious reservations about Joel Osteen's doctrine and message I do not believe that public attack, in any form, on someone who is potentially a brother in Christ is honoring to God or advances the cause of Christ.

I conclude this issue with Colossians 2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ."

The responsibility for discerning truth from falsity is yours! Thus I leave it in the hands of each individual and trust that we all, by God's grace, will seek after sound doctrine and resist what our 'itching' ears want to hear.


At 1:11 PM, Blogger KS said...


I am new to your site.
I agree with your assessment and will add that the Lord has called us to reconcilliation not division in the body. We publically attack christian leaders of different denominations whose theology is different and may be errant than our own. The Lord warned us not to judge one another in hastiness or with harshness but with gentleness correcting those in opposition. Even Apostle Paul repented when he cursed the High Priest.

At 12:12 AM, Blogger Paul Oliver said...

Nice blog! You are a great writer. What are your thoughts on Paul's public rebuke of Peter in Galatians 2? Was Paul sinning by publicly rebuking Peter? Was its public nature good, bad, or insignificant for the church? Thanks!

At 9:57 AM, Blogger S. Michael Craven said...

Thank you for your kind praise. As for Paul's rebuke of Peter; I think the telling factor is the fact that Paul addressed Peter "to his face," albeit publicly, it was within the fellowship of believers.

That is not to say that there are not times where it can become necessary to publicly and even aggressively challenge false teaching as long as it is done with the proper motive. I have simply settled on my position relative to Joel Osteen in response to the fact that I do NOT have a relationship with him that would allow me to confront him directly in the appropriate spirit.

I would gladly welcome an opportunity to meet privately with Joel and discuss my doctrinal concerns in a Christ-like way. Until such an opportunity avails itself I choose to refrain from further comment that might be divisive and harm the unity within the Body.


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