

Best line I have heard in a movie all year: "Sometimes your low self-esteem is just good common sense!" Finally some truth coming out of Hollywood.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger S. Michael Craven said...

Dear "Matthew13":

You seem to imply that by my commenting on the specific action, or inaction, on the part of the Clinton administration relative to Rwanda that this means that I "support" every Bush policy. I do not. My post simply addressed the specific genocide which took place in Rwanda. I am equally grieved by the conditions in the Darfur region of Sudan. Fortunately, there now seems to be more international action (albeit it limited and delayed) in response to the Sudanese situation than Rwanda as the International Criminal Court announced its official investigation today. I also think President Bush could press Congress to pass the Darfur Accountability Act introduced by Senators Jon S. Corzine (D-NJ) and Sam Brownback (R-KS) but so could the American people if they truly cared.

I certainly think President Bush could do a much better job of raising concern on the part of Americans for those in Sudan. (An essential step prior to any government action) In other words, President Bush needs to make the case for intervention, something he did not do well prior to entering Iraq. Unfortunately, as a result I think that there is little he could do in raising concern for the Sudanese Christians among the international community and it would probably be wiser to assume a behind the scenes role given our diminished international credibility.


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